Housing Support: On-site housing available, at no cost to Fellow.
Housing Description: Leadville National Fish Hatchery is located approximately 5 miles southwest of Leadville, CO. The nearest convenience store is ~2 miles distant, and the nearest grocery store is ~6 miles away. Leadville offers restaurants and all necessities; larger towns are within ~30 miles. The hatchery maintains a 3-bedroom bunkhouse with full cooking facilities and amenities at the station. The 1960s vintage house is decently furnished with beds, linens, living room furnishings, dishes, utensils, cooking pots/pans, and appliances. The house will be provided with an internet hotspot.
Valid Driver’s License: Required
Transportation Support Description: No public transportation is available at this site location. A personal vehicle or alternate mode of transportation at the Fellow’s expense, is required for commuting to and from work and personal needs. The Fellow also has the option of driving their personal vehicle to the Hatchery. No public transportation options exist near the hatchery.
Position Description: This position is located at the Leadville National Fish Hatchery near Leadville, CO. Leadville is a hub of mountain recreation and is a hotspot to climb some of Colorado’s 14’ers, hike the Colorado Trail, participate in the Leadville Race Series, fish the upper Arkansas river, and numerous other recreational opportunities. Leadville is centrally located in Colorado and has ready access to Denver, Rocky Mountain Arsenal NWR, Alamosa NWR, The National Eagle Repository, and other U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service offices.
The greenback cutthroat trout is the state fish of Colorado and was once thought to be extinct. A remnant population was discovered in 2012 and wild fish were brought to the hatchery to develop a captive broodstock with the goal of recovering the species in its native range. The USFWS works closely with Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Trout Unlimited, and other parties to further this goal.
The Fellow will produce a hatchery genetic management plan (HGMP) for the greenback cutthroat trout, a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act, and a draft broodstock management plan (BMP) for the same species. The HGMP and BMP are essential to the recovery of greenback cutthroat trout as fish originating at the Leadville National Fish Hatchery are released in the wild at multiple locations every year. There is currently only one naturally recruiting stream and one “wild” broodstock location; with the captive broodstock at Leadville NFH there are only 3 potential broodstock sources available, making genetic concerns paramount. The HGMP and BMP are integral to developing and maintaining best management practices for a rearing and propagation program. The stock has been particularly problematic in both captive and wild recovery populations; the potential for inbreeding depression and lack of genetic diversity in the only remaining wild population has led to discussions of genetic rescue, which should be a component of this position. The Fellow will also have an opportunity to work with Ecological Services biologists in the finalization of the 5-year review for greenback, as well as the draft recovery plan.
To implement this position, the selected Fellow will be responsible for:
- Developing and delivering a Genetic Management Plan in consultation with US Fish and Wildlife Service biologists and culturists,
- Developing and delivering a Broodstock Management Plan in consultation with USFWS biologists and culturists
- Researching published management plans from state and federal programs to develop comprehensive documents for Leadville National Fish Hatchery,
- Including considerations of genetic rescue into the Hatchery Genetic Management Plan, and
- Working with Ecological Service biologists during the finalization of the 5-year review and draft recovery plan for the greenback cutthroat.
Minimum Education Level: Open for consideration to undergraduate rising seniors/seniors and graduate students who will not complete their degree requirements before September 22, 2024.
Fields of Study:
- Biological Sciences
- Education/Outreach
- Fish biology
- Genetics
Working Conditions Requirements:
- Valid driver’s license required
- Familiarity with genetics and fish biology
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively
- Ability to review peer-reviewed, scientific literature and distill content
- Ability to hike up to 2-5 miles one-way on steep and uneven terrain while in high elevation.
- Ability to work at high elevation (Leadville’s elevation is over 10,000’)
Desired Characteristics:
- Experience and/or interest in aquatic biology and ecology
- Written communication skills
- Oral communication skills
- Interpersonal communication skills (such as emotional intelligence, active listening, learning mindset, responsibility, empathy, teamwork, and positive attitude)
- Commitment to diversity equity and inclusion