Housing Support: On-site housing available, at no cost to Fellow
Housing Description: Modern housing is located at the refuge headquarters, which includes a full kitchen and laundry facilities. Housing will be shared with other interns.
Valid Driver’s License: Required
Transportation Support Description: No public transportation is available at this site location. A personal vehicle or alternate mode of transportation (such as ridesharing via Uber, Lyft, etc.) at the Fellow’s expense, is required for commuting to and from work and personal needs due to the current location of office and living facilities.
Position Description: The DFP candidate will assist in delivering place-based education programs to the community in target neighborhoods. Member will also assist with special event programing, youth fishing rodeos, community listening sessions, community engagement and outreach events for the complex and the creation of new programming for the refuge’s mobile visitor center trailer.
To implement this project, the selected Fellow will be responsible for:
- Assisting the Urban Coordinator in developing programs and information for the public in local area schools, summer camps, libraries and other groups;
- Developing educational and interpretation programs for students and/or general public;
- Assisting with public canoe and natural history tours; and
- Preparing for and staff special outreach events on the refuges and in the community.
The Fellow will have the opportunity to gain experience at other refuges located in the Southeast Louisiana National Wildlife Refuges Complex, Fish and Aquatic Conservation Offices, and surrounding locations with activities such as (but not limited to) biology, restoration projects, and citizen science.
Operation of a refuge vehicle is required. Outreach programs may include intensive, hands-on activities on the refuge, as well as classroom presentations in schools throughout Orleans Parish.
Intern will be expected to:
- Develop interpretive signs that reflect the culture of the area;
- Develop trail signs;
- Partner with the Fish and Aquatic Conservation office, New Orleans Recreational District Commission (NORDC) and Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries in target communities to host three Get Out and Fish! events, as well as assist with teaching participants skills, such as tying hooks, baiting, casting, netting fish etc.;
- Participate in working groups for the target community;
- Assist in developing a volunteer staff for the refuge; and
- Conduct three off refuge programs in the community.
Minimum Education Level: Open for consideration to undergraduate rising seniors/seniors and graduate students who will not complete their degree requirements before September 22, 2024.
Fields of Study:
- Biological Sciences
- Education/Outreach
- Human Dimensions/Social Sciences/Humanities/Liberal Arts
- Geographic and Information Sciences
- Communication/Marketing
Working Conditions Requirements:
- Will be a combination of field and office.