U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP)

2-1: Evaluating Employee Retention in the Southwest Region

Region: Southwest – Region 2 (AZ, NM, OK, TX)
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Position Type: Remote (Fellow will complete position from home or alternative worksite and will not be required to report to duty station on a regular basis)
Host site Location: Albuquerque, NM, R2 Regional Office, Region 2
Fellowship Dates: Either May 20-August 9 or June 16-September 6, 2024 (with Orientation June 16-21 at NCTC)

Housing Support: Housing stipend up to $5,000 for the entire Fellowship is authorized based on actual expenses incurred. Fellow will be required to provide documentation to validate reimbursement. 

Housing Description: Fellow will be responsible for locating and securing suitable housing.

Valid Driver’s License: Not Required

Position Description: This Fellowship will work to connect existing efforts to embody a welcoming and inclusive workplace across Programs and Offices in the Southwest Region (Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona). Employees should be able to be their authentic selves, be included in the conversation, and feel safe in their work and local community.

The Evaluating Employee Retention in the Southwest Region project will allow the Fellow to work across Programs and Offices to examine variables effecting current and future employee retention. To implement this position, the selected Fellow will be responsible for:

  • Working with datasets from current and previous employees to look at trends in satisfaction and dissatisfaction with various aspects of the Region (i.e., local community, staff, supervisors, leadership, etc.).
  • Creating surveys and questionnaires to conduct post-exit interviews with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service employees and Direct-Hiring Authority interns to glean information related to separation factors from the Region or Service as a whole.
  • Evaluating the Region’s Purpose, Values, and Priorities framework across Programs and Offices to determine areas of improvement.

This Fellowship will produce detailed information of why employees have separated from the Region or the Service, while pinpointing variables that can be addressed and corrected. The Fellow will help improve the Region’s ability to be a valued employer and to fulfill our Purpose, Values, and Priorities framework.

Minimum Education Level: Open for consideration to undergraduate rising seniors/seniors and graduate students who will not complete their degree requirements before September 22, 2024.

Fields of Study:

  • Biological Sciences
  • Education/Outreach
  • Human Dimensions/Social Sciences/Humanities/Liberal Arts
  • Communication/Marketing
  • Information Technology/Computer Sciences

Working Conditions Requirements: Fellow will need reliable access to internet. The Fellow will work independently a majority of the time. 

Desired Characteristics: Passionate about Equity, Inclusivity, Learning, Adaptability, Integrity, Caring for People, and Conservation.  



Read 375 times
Last modified on 02 October 2023

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