Sandra Zepeda

Aspiring to make a positive impact, Sandra Zepeda served as an Americorps volunteer where she had the opportunity to work on ecological restoration projects throughout the San Bernardino National Forest; an area rich in biodiversity containing mixed conifer forests, oak woodlands, pinyon juniper stands, chaparral, and desert ecosystems. While attending Victor Valley College in 2019, she had the chance to conduct native plant research for the Seeds of Success program overseen by the Bureau of Land Management. She focused on propagating the desert species, Larrea tridentata (creosote bush), and Bouteloua barbata (sixweeks grama) for field planting and seed collection in a nursery setting. These experiences led her to discover her passion for plant conservation and she decided to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Botany at Humboldt State University where she is currently a student. In the future, she hopes to earn a master’s degree in Biology and work towards the conservation of rare and endangered plants.

From the blog

June 15, 2020

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342