
28 August 2020

The Art of the Online Interview: Interviewing People in a Post-Zoom Call

Something that might not be readily apparent to the average person is how much conversational dynamics shift when you aren’t able to talk face to face. Having to have an in-depth conversation online versus in-person…
28 August 2020

Little Fish Going Crazy in Tanks, What is Wrong?!

A few weeks ago, I spoke about the technicalities of pond culture, where I pointed out how delicate and complex it could be to successfully grow endangered Lost River and Shortnose sucker in ponds. However,…
28 August 2020

A superb seasonal sojourn…

Like the shorebirds at the heart of my fellowship project, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my “stopover” with Midway Atoll. This fellowship has provided an opportunity to learn so much about the atoll, these birds, their behaviour,…
22 August 2020

Having a Seat at the Table

Over the past 10 weeks I have had the privilege to work with the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) through the Directorate Fellowship Program (DFP). As my time comes to an end, I have taken…
21 August 2020

SEKI, Thank You and Good Bye!

Hello Everybody! Hola a todos! It is the final week of my internship and it is a very bittersweet feeling. I don’t know how time flew by so quickly, I cannot believe it has been…
21 August 2020

Trails are Sacred Spaces

A sacred place is defined as place or space distinguished from other spaces through rituals that people either practice at a place or direct toward it. Some of these sacred places are often identified as…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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