17 July 2017
Summer of Community Outreach at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge
Guest blogger Lucia Portillo-Maldonado shares her experiences interning at John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge and what inspires her to return year after year. This summer will be my fourth summer working at the John Heinz…
16 July 2016
Community Outreach Meets Program Development at John Heinz Refuge
The Service is joining Hispanic Access Foundation in celebrating Latino Conservation Week from July 16-24 as a demonstration of Latino commitment to conservation and the permanent protection of our land, water, and air. Events across…
16 July 2016
Nia Edwards Ties Baltimore Latinos to Resources at Masonville Cove
In the early 2000s, there was a need to clean up the Baltimore Harbor and dredge material (wood, mud, silt, sand, shell, and debris) from the seafloor. From that project and a robust coalition of…