09 August 2021
A Day at the Beach
For the month of July MERITO hosted a beach camp for students in which I volunteered. It was extremely fun and educational for the students and me. We got to learn about marine biology but…
06 July 2021
New locations
I just got out to the west coast on June 27th, and wow things are getting 'heated'. Record-breaking temps of 115 are no joke. Luckily I was able to weather the heat and continue my…
18 June 2021
Not Salty About It
Starting my time as a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Directorate Fellow with the Southwest Region of Division of Water Resources has been smoother than a jar of creamy peanut butter. The words ‘gratitude’, ‘growth’,…
12 December 2020
Out With the Old and In With the New
I’ve been in my role at NPS for nearly a year now and I am nearing the end of my term. In the mad dash to close things out and tie up all loose ends,…
01 December 2020
Job Searching During COVID
Job searching is the worst. My last few months have consisted of job hunting to find something that pays well and fits my interests and passions. This seemed like an impossible task when I first…
30 November 2020
Seed Bank
The chill is starting to set in around the Midwest. Some places are even starting to see snow drift in to cover the plants and buildings and people in either pretty white fluff or cold…