
01 September 2022

Time Flies

I can’t believe I am already halfway through my fellowship! So much has changed for me within this short time span and I have this fellowship to thank for that! I was able to move…
01 September 2022

An Eventful Summer!

Last Spring I was awarded the opportunity to intern at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Refuge with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service alongside the Chesapeake Bay Field Office and Masonville Cove partners. The objective of…
08 August 2022

Exploring the City and Working Independently

Hello Everyone! I’ve now been working at the US Fish and Wildlife Southwest Regional Office for about eight months now. Time sure does fly! I’ve been doing great. I have performed the same duties that…
05 August 2022

Celebrating Latino Conservation Week - Naturaleza y Comunidad

Hello blog readers! Outside of my work as a projects and communications fellow for the Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers Program (based out of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site in Springfield, MA), about a…
07 July 2022

The First Week

This week was the first week of working full time with our youth employees in Storytellers in Parks! In the midst of many onboarding training sessions, we continued working on digital media projects. The first…
15 June 2022

Learning City History through the National Parks Service

If you had asked me two months ago what I envisioned when I heard someone say “National Parks Service,” I probably would have responded by describing rolling mountain ranges, cascading waters, and towering trees. Or…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342