
10 July 2023

Challenges and Lasting Impacts

Hello blog readers! I am a River Conservation Fellow with the National Park Service Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers program. The project I’ve been dedicating the most time to has been assisting a new Partnership…
05 July 2023

My time at the Green Latinos National Summit 2023

Hello blog readers! Last month, I had the pleasure of attending the Green Latinos National Summit in San Antonio, Texas! Green Latinos is a national nonprofit with the vision of “a healthy and equitable society…
05 July 2023

Embracing Urban Outreach

Growing up in San Diego, I often felt limited in my ability to explore my interests and connect with nature. However, my recent internship with the US Fish and Wildlife Service as a Visitor Service/Urban…
05 July 2023

My First Month as an Endangered Species Intern

On my first day at the Sacramento USFWS Office, I received a welcome letter that said “and so the journey begins” on the cover. I had a full circle moment because that was my senior…
23 June 2023

Embracing a New Journey

May 22nd marked the first day of my National Trails Systems Communications Fellowship with the National Park Service (NPS). As time crept closer to my first Microsoft Teams meeting, I couldn’t seem to relax. To…
08 June 2023

Reaching out to the Communities

Over the last few months of my internship, I was able to connect with local community organizations that uplift Latino voices and the area itself is predominantly Hispanic. It also makes it even more special…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342