News & Blogs

10 August 2020

Coho, carrying capacity, and communication: Fisheries conservation in unprecedented times

It’s hard to believe my fellowship is already more than halfway complete. Despite working remotely, I have had many opportunities to (virtually) connect with my officemates and fellow DFP interns. I particularly appreciate the time…
09 August 2020

Goodbyes and new beginnings…

As I finish out my fellowship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), I am mixed with feelings of sadness and excitement for the future and new opportunities. This 11-week fellowship was an unforgettable…
07 August 2020

Fisheries: Their Role in Conservation

Fish are considered a renewable resource due to their ability to reproduce. Fisheries management has a long and vast history worldwide with some areas managing their local fish populations for hundreds of years. For example,…
07 August 2020

Final Wrap Up

On the close of my internship, I am able to look back over the past 11 weeks and see the progress of my project. My fellow intern, Claire Yager and I were able to complete…
01 August 2020

Creating New Orchids

So I am at the halfway point of my fellowship and I am definitely feeling the pressure. It may suck a bit to feel this way, but I enjoy telling myself, “embrace the suck!”, because…
31 July 2020

This American History

I can't recall having ever visited a national park site. Not as a young buck in Texas, not as a college degree-getter around Boston. For the first time, some weeks ago, I walked the Black…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342