News & Blogs

05 August 2021

Longfin Smelt and Salinity Concentrations in the San Francisco Estuary

The salt content (salinity) of water in the San Francisco Estuary can vary significantly. Since the estuary connects to the ocean it is tidally influenced and saltwater can flow into the estuary. How far this…
04 August 2021

Final Thoughts

Wow! Where has the time gone? It’s hard to believe that my time as a DFP fellow is already coming to an end next week. Ten weeks ago, I found myself embarking on a new…
04 August 2021

Public Speaking: Tips from someone with anxiety

Since the beginning of my DFP program, I had one lingering fear at the back of my mind. It was something that was easy to put on the back burner, but something that is creeping…
04 August 2021

Wrapping Up

The last days of my internship are wrapping up, and I cannot believe how fast the summer has gone by. Over the past 11 weeks, I’ve traveled to three different states, learned about threatened and…
04 August 2021

Internship from home

I've never thought how difficult it has become working from home every day. I live on campus approximately fifty miles away from Harpers Ferry Center. I have roommates coming in and out of the room,…
04 August 2021

Wrapping Up My Summer Research on Razorback Sucker and Quagga Mussels

This summer I have been working remotely as a DFP with the Southern Nevada Fish & Wildlife Office using Bureau of Reclamation water quality data to study how the quagga mussel invasion in Lake Mead…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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