News & Blogs

04 October 2021

Pregnant Intern

I’m a pregnant intern. I didn’t plan to get pregnant, in fact, I thought it was the last thing that could happen. I’m in my 30s and hadn’t used birth control since 2016. I figured…
01 October 2021

Officially Certified

These last few weeks seem to have zoomed past me. September specifically went by way faster than anticipated. September was the big month I was looking forwards to as it was the month, I left…
01 October 2021

More Ways to Connect to Nature

Happy late National Public Lands Day! Over the last couple of months, I have been organizing a National Public Lands Day (NPLD) event with our partner, Public Lands Interpretive Association (PLIA). PLIA's Event Coordinator, Reyna…
24 September 2021

Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month

At the start of Hispanic/ Latinx Heritage month, I started to wonder what are the Hispanic cultural views on wildlife conservation. There are many well-known environmentalists such as Aldo Leopold, David Attenborough, and Rachel Carson.…
24 September 2021

TBD Santa Cruz Long-Toed Salamander Recovery Story

Over the last couple of weeks, I had the opportunity to go out into the field and explore all seven refuges in the complex. Miguel, the Urban Refuge Ranger, and I grabbed our backpacks and…
14 September 2021

Anchoring Down in Anchorage

It is mid-September, and I just landed in Anchorage! A bit of context for the title—I graduated from Vanderbilt University, where “Anchor Down” is often used as a rallying cry at sporting events. Ahead of…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342