News & Blogs

18 June 2022

Following the Digital Footsteps

Good day fellows. My name is Jiarui Han, and you can call me Lily. I am a remote Social Media and Communications Intern at Harper’s Ferry Center for Media. As for today’s blog, I would…
17 June 2022

Rolling through the AV Archives

Hello everyone, I’m Krystjana Bruce! I just coming up on my first month at the Harpers Ferry Center under the National Park Service. As a Data Asset Management Intern, I am currently focused on preserving…
17 June 2022

Fire as a Management Tool

Welcome back Mano blog post readers! I am one of the 6 Civilian Climate Corp (CCC) Fellows, stationed at Big Oaks and Muscatatuck National Wildlife Refuge Complex in southeastern Indiana. This is my second blog…
15 June 2022

Learning City History through the National Parks Service

If you had asked me two months ago what I envisioned when I heard someone say “National Parks Service,” I probably would have responded by describing rolling mountain ranges, cascading waters, and towering trees. Or…
14 June 2022

Colorado or Bust

Hello everyone! My name is Letty Rodriguez, and I am new fellow for the Wild and Scenic Rivers and the National Trails Systems. I have been working remotely since I first started back in April…
14 June 2022

USFS Southern Region Advisory Council Meets to Discuss Representation of Underserved Communities in the Outdoors

This month, Hispanic Access Foundation’s U.S. Forest Service Southern Region Advisory Council traveled to Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forest in northern Georgia to discuss how to diversify outdoor spaces, and welcome underrepresented groups. The USFS Southern Region…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342