
31 May 2024

Continuing with U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

I recently was able to get extended again and continue my internship with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. I’m super excited to continue my journey with the Organization and the new possible opportunities for…
10 February 2024

Hablando con mi comunidad. Talking With my Community

I’m proud to say Spanish is my fist language and that everyone around me also spoke Spanish. When I moved from Texas to California three months ago, I wasn’t shocked about the language barriers within…
03 February 2024

Navigating Partnership Building

As I reflect on my internship at the San Diego National Wildlife Refuge (SDBNWR), the journey has been nothing short of transformative. Stepping out of my comfort zone when it comes to outreach, I’ve dived…
12 January 2024

Creating More Welcoming Outdoor Spaces Through Sandhill Crane Sunsets

It’s not uncommon to forget the controversies of nature. I find myself relating to stories of both adventure and injustice, yet I consider myself lucky to have fond memories of outdoor spaces. As a visitor…
01 December 2023

Looking back at National Wildlife Refuge Week

As an intern at the US Fish and Wildlife Service, I’ve been fortunate to dive into the realm of conservation and community outreach. One of the projects I’ve been involved in so far was redefining…
09 November 2023

Update On My Journey

In my current position, I work with the infrastructure management division. While I love the work that I do, I have been curious about what kind of work other positions in the fish and wildlife…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342