
08 March 2021

Just Go, Everything Else Will Follow

I never realized 6 months would go by so fast. I feel like I just arrived in Colorado a few weeks ago and there's still so much left to see and so much left for…
08 March 2021

Angeles Forest Wrap Up

The final blog! It’s the close of the fellowship and of an interesting 6 months in the world. I have been incredibly lucky to have had the opportunity to develop new skills and create something…
31 October 2020

My First Month In Phoenix

As I rolled into Phoenix for the first time, I realized how hot the city really is. I was lucky to come in at the tail end of the summer season, but I found out…
31 October 2020

Providing Stewardship from Home

As someone who strives for equitable access to our public lands, I reflect on the past couple of weeks of my remote internship with the Forest Service. All of which, I must say, has been…
31 October 2020

Being Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

As I complete a month of being a Resource Assistant for the U.S. Forest Service, and three weeks of living in Tucson, Arizona as a Public Affairs fellow for the Coronado National Forest, my time…
30 October 2020

Wildfires in the Workplace: Navigating my Remote Position in the Wildland Fire Service

I am used to being the youngest professional in the office. I have held a job since I was 16 years old, the legal working age in New York City. It is a big city…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342