
02 July 2021

Two Women In the Klamath River Country: From 1908 to 2021

The story of two women working for the Department of the Interior - set out to explore the Klamath River in one of the most remote locations in the United States. Travelling from a home…
02 July 2021

Moving Along

Hello again! Time has been moving fast! I’m already halfway through my summer fellowship with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). I’m working on species assessments with the Carlsbad CA Office but working remotely. So…
25 June 2021

Finding My Way

When I was doing school assignments and research a couple of semesters ago, the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service was one of the resources that always made an appearance to me. The type of research…
22 June 2021

Turns out catfish farming is pretty fun!

It is the start of week five at Inks Dam National Fish Hatchery in Burnet, Texas. So far, it has been an excellent experience and I’ve had the opportunity to learn so much already. There…
21 June 2021

Bringing Light to Hidden Gems

This week marks one month of officially being a DFP intern! My experience so far has been positive and incredibly eye opening to opportunities that the Fish and Wildlife Service offer. I am currently working…
21 June 2021

My First Month as a DFP

Words from our Arlington Ecological Services Field Office Fellow "My first four weeks as a DFP included an orientation week, a steep learning curve, and learning how to connect to a place I have never…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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