
13 March 2025

Fighting Fires Behind the Scenes: Pueblo Interagency Dispatch Center Pueblo Colorado

Hello! My name is Hope Lopez. I currently started my internship with the Forest Service at the Pueblo Interagency Dispatch Center in Pueblo, Colorado. I am loving it! First of all, I am working with lots of cool people who are kind, professional, and helpful. Secondly, I am excited to be part of this great service to our National Forests. Finally, I am excited to learn about the multiple roles a dispatcher must learn in order to help mitigate and contain forest fires.

I have learned that a dispatcher is a silent hero in mitigating and containing forest fires because they work behind the scenes to organize and gather all resources needed to contain forest fires in the area. So far this month we experienced two major forest fires that required immediate response from the dispatch center. Dispatchers worked around the clock 24 hours, 7 days a week to organize Firefighters, Helicopters, Air Tankers, and Water Scoopers. The dispatch center worked tirelessly to send resources to Fort Collins, CO to contain one of the fires that burned about 10,000 acres, the Alexander Fire 2024. Soon after that fire the agency began to respond to two other fires. 

Containing a forest fire is a major incident that requires major logistical support and the Pueblo Interagency Dispatch Center was on fire (no pun intended). All dispatchers were answering calls and ordering resources, while monitoring other fires in the State. I am excited to learn and serve the US Forest Service in this capacity as it very satisfying  knowing that we were a part of preserving the safety and life of those affected, and the valuable ecology of our US Forests. 

Finally, I am excited to be an intern as my learning and training is supported by all those who participate in this program. I also have a really knowledgeable and approachable boss. A shout out to Eric Toft the leader of the Pueblo Interagency Dispatch Center and to Veronica Torres who has been a great mentor and resource, and Ivonne Watson who has made the transition into the program seamless. Thank you all! Abrazos! 

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342