
Beary many opportunities within the Forest Service Beary many opportunities within the Forest Service
28 January 2025

Beary many opportunities within the Forest Service

When I first started in the Forest Service, I knew one thing was certain: I had found where I wanted to be in life.

What I did not realize was that there are SO many jobs within the agency, I would have to narrow down once again what it was I wanted to do. Before the start of the internship, I had very minimal knowledge of the agency. Like most people, I thought the only jobs available were to be a park ranger. But that is part of the fun and the journey, figuring out what I enjoy the most! 

After shadowing different people in different fields, I have been able to see what day-to-day life looks like in their jobs. I found the career path that I would like to have in the future. This revelation came from speaking to a District Ranger. I would like to have a job in some type of leadership position. My passion is helping people and helping them be the very best version of themselves that they can be. After speaking with the District Ranger, I found that is what he enjoys the most about his job. This career goal my not come within the next couple of years, but I am willing to put in the time and dedication to achieve this!

It is important to me now to spread awareness of all the opportunities within the agency to others, which is why I take advantage of opportunities to speak to the public about the agency, because they might also not know, just as I did not. My favorite event thus far has been interacting with the San Diego Urban Corps Members. This is the second outing they have done recreating in the Forest. This is an event where we get the chance to interact with them and talk to them about our different jobs within the agency. It is very rewarding to see how happy they are to be in the great outdoors, and how eager they are for the next event!

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342