
How I Handle Climate Anxiety as a Climate Fellow How I Handle Climate Anxiety as a Climate Fellow
31 July 2024

How I Handle Climate Anxiety as a Climate Fellow Part 2

Climate Change is a stressful, anxious, and a scary topic, and it is no wonder that most people are feeling climate anxiety as more and more news, studies, and updates are shared. It can be even more stressful when working in the field of protecting our home.

I am 4 months into Fellowship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services, as a Climate Fellow, working on Climate Profiles for military installments’ INRMPs. I continue to research and produce climate scenarios for the Southeast region of the United States. Looking at all the Climate hazards for the next few centuries, which can be very daunting.

Last post I talked about staying present and the things I do to remind myself about that. Which is very useful, but it can be hard especially when my job is to look at the future. Here are the other tips I have incorporated in the last few weeks. This post I want to focus on rest and what I have been doing to recharge.

Number 2: Self Care

Now this one is probably obvious, but I think friendly reminders are necessary. We can get so caught up in what we are doing that we tend to let go of important tasks for ourselves. This can look different for everyone, if it’s getting yourself a treat, working out, skin care, or cuddling up in bed with a good book. Whatever it is, make sure to schedule it in!

Number 3: Take a Break

This is the hardest for me, I get so hyper focused on something and next thing I know hours have passed since I moved from my seat. For the past few weeks, I have added a reminder on my phone to take a walk, this is a 10-minute walk around the block. Getting outside and breathing in some fresh air can cure me of many things. The plus is that I get to bring my adorable dog, Luna, who enjoys this walk just as much as I do. This one practice encompasses all three of the tips I mentioned but also making sure I take my break.

These past four months have been amazing, I have learned so much and have met some amazing people. I hope to share some of the things I have been doing in these next few blogs! I hope these tips are useful but remember to do your own research and find a routine that works for you. These tips are just a few things I have been doing but I continue to learn and find new things that make me smile and hopeful for the future.


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