Jessica Maier
Intern Year(s): 2024
Location: Remote
Program: Directorate Resource Assistant Fellows Program (DFP)
Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Jessica Maier

My name is Jess (she/her), I am from Greensboro, North Carolina and I attend North Carolina State University studying Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology, with a double major in Plant Biology and a minor in Environmental Education. I have gained experience in the field of conservation through being President of NC State's chapter of the Wildlife Society, being a member of the Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program Collaborative, and through being an undergraduate teaching assistant for dendrology. I enjoy community engagement for conservation and teaching people about plants and wildlife. In the future I hope to work on urban wildlife projects to help mitigate the conflicts that occur when urban sprawl increases human wildlife tensions, and to educate people about the value of nature in an urban setting.

From the blog

June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024
June 17, 2024
June 10, 2024
June 10, 2024

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342