Deliannie Martinez
Intern Year(s): 2022
Location: Providence/Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex
Program: FWS Regionals
Agency: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Deliannie Martinez

Deliannie Martinez is a senior at Rhode Island College in Providence, Rhode Island studying Secondary Education General Science and Biology. Her interest in science began very early on at the age of 11 but she could argue that she’s been catching bugs and feeding her fish far longer than that. During her semester, she works in a campus lab conducting research on fish biomechanics to be used as a proxy for prosthetic research. Just like her childhood, Deliannie enjoys spending time outdoors, specifically on or around water, so it works out well that she was born and raised in the ocean state. She spends her summers fishing, swimming, kayaking, and paddle boarding with friends and family. As a potential educator, Deliannie is very excited to be working as an environmental education and community outreach intern in the same city she grew up in.

From the blog

June 20, 2022

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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